The other day I went, for the first time, to a naturopathic doctor. I'm not into drugging myself for every little ache, pain or complaint. So when I began having sinus trouble, instead of calling my regular doctor or searching for an eyes, ears and throat doc who are stereotypically heavy on the prescriptions, I made an appointment with a woman who specializes in the healing power of nature.
No, she is not a witch doctor.
Naturopathic doctors use holistic methods, meaning they try to find out the CAUSE of your ailments by understanding your body and any changes or irregularities you might be experiencing. I heard once somewhere that regardless of how many ailments you have and where they are on the body, when your body heals itself, it heals its entire self! Doesn't that make more sense than taking one pill for a headache, a different pills for high blood pressure, a different pill for a cold...etc?
Anyway, I went in for sinusitis but I came out with so much more! Not more problems, but more answers! She did a full evaluation, asking me all these questions about my body, my lifestyle and my environment--you'd be surprised how much your own body can tell you about yourself! Then she did what was called a Bioimpedence Analysis, which sounds a lot more hi-tech and scientific than it really is. She placed stickers on my hand/wrist and ankle/foot, attached some type of miniature jumper cables to it and this machine (that looked like an old school calculator when they used to be the size of computers) read my body measurements. This test will tell you everything from your lean body mass compared to fat mass, your all-important BMI and even how much water is inside your cells compared to the outside!
I highly suggest that you get this analysis done.
1. You can use the mass distribution to monitor how much of your weight is muscle compared to fat as you continue reaching your workout goals.
2. The basal metabolic rate tells you how many calories you need just to get through the day, maintaining exactly the weight you're at now. You can then adjust it accordingly depending on your goals.
3. You can make sure you're drinking enough water and not putting too many toxins in your body! The goal is that since our bodies are about 60% water, you want close to 40% intracellular water and 20% extracellular water. (The 60-40-20 Rule) At this ratio, you'll know that you're drinking enough water and that it is hydrating inside the cells instead of having to be outside your cells to help flush out toxins from your body.
Anyway, I was amazed at my results and I look forward to monitoring them over time with this test!
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