Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Stretching is one of the most important parts of your workout!  I know, we can hardly get enough time to go to the gym, let alone taking extra time for stretching.  But stretching before, during AND after you workout can add major benefits to your routine that I'm pretty sure you won't want to skip:

Stretching before exercise, plus some light cardio (just something to get your heart rate up) will get your circulation going and the blood flowing to your muscles.  This will allow you to have full flexibility and movement which will prevent injury during your exercise.  The blood flow will also help get you in "game mode" and spike a little extra energy.

I had a huge breakthrough with my results from my regular heavy lifting routine when I began stretching in between sets.  Again, this allow blood flow to the muscles to instantly pump them up for quick recovery time.  I was able to add more weight and reps by stretching during my workout.

Stretching after your workout is important if you want to be able to walk the next day!  It will keep you muscles limber and begin the recovery process.  Also, continuing the blood flow will allow the nutrients from your after-workout protein shake to go straight to your fatigued muscles.

I'm telling you, it's AMAZING the difference you will feel when you add stretching to your regular routine!  I was able to workout harder, increase my strength and stamina, and recover much faster!

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