Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th!

People all over the US will be off work, gathering with friends and family and eating lots and lotsss of food!

Just a little reminder that just because it's there, doesn't mean you have to eat it!  

But at the same time, DO allow yourself to enjoy the festivities!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Fast Food Summer Salads

For people on the go, there's good news when it comes to eating healthy: Fast food restaurants are listening to our demands for healthier choices!

Just because the kids want a Happy Meal, or your boyfriend can eat a super-sized Burger-Fries-Shake combo, doesn't mean you have to join them.  Here's a list of fast food restaurants with the best summer salad options:

- Wendy's Berry Almond Chicken Salad
-  McDonald's Premium Salad with Grilled Chicken
-  Burger Kind's Chicken, Apple & Cranberry Garden Fresh Salad with Tendergrill Chicken
-  Carl's Jr.'s Grilled Chicken Salad

*Remember that the point is to be as healthy as possible while getting the most nutrients including fresh greens, some fruit and protein.

Watch for extra fat and calories added by fried protein and certain salad dressings.  You usually can't go wrong with grilled chicken and balsamic vinaigrette!

Summer Salad Recipes

Berry Salad:
Fresh Spinach
Fresh Blueberries
Gorgonzola Cheese
Lean Grilled Beef
Raspberry Vinaigrette

Lemon Basil Shrimp Salad:
Large Cooked Shrimp
Sliced Red Onion, Red and Yellow Bell Pepper
Leafy Mixed Greens
Lemon Basil Vinaigrette

My Favorite:
Fresh Spinach
Dried Cranberries
Feta Cheese
Grilled Chicken
Balsamic Vinaigrette

Have a good summer salad recipe?  Share it!!!

Summer Salads

There's nothing I crave more than a big healthy salad in the summer.  Think salads are boring?  So wrong!

The summer is the best season to mix it up with your salad because there are many fresh fruits and vegetables available...Yes, I said FRUITS!

Never had fruit on your salad?  You're missing out!  My favorites are strawberries, blueberries, or dried cranberries and I always add at least one of them for a little added sweetness.

The most important part of the salad when you're routinely doing intense workouts is the PROTEIN.  The good news is that almost any kind of protein is appropriate for this kind of salad.  Types of protein to try on your summer salad:

-  Chicken
-  Tofu
-  Shrimp
-  Salmon
-  Tilapia
-  Walnuts

(The best part is that while everybody else is grilling up hot dogs and burgers, you can throw your protein right on the grill too!  Grilling is one of the healthiest ways to cook protein.)

The greens.  My favorite type of green is fresh spinach.  In itself, spinach has so many nutrients including Vitamin A, B6, C, E, K, Calcium, and Iron (just to name a few)

Summer Salads are great for lunch or dinner, easy to make at home, and many restaurants are catching on so you will most likely be able to find one when dining out with friends and family!  Go ahead, try it and let me know what you think!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

CUTEST Workout Program for Pregnancy!

(Yes, I'm officially obsessed with workouts for the fab & preggers!)

Ok so maybe there's something about this summer air that has got me thinking about babies...or maybe I'm hearing my biological clock ticking...either way, I've been thinking about babies and pregnant women and, of course, fitness!  So if you've been reading my previous blog posts, you know I've been suggesting good exercises for women to do, whether you're pregnant or not: Kegals, Cardio and Stretching.  If you haven't read them, take some time to go through them now and try them out!

Now that you've read them, I'm sure you're excited about being fit even while your belly is still growing.  So I'm taking it one step further, I found a workout program specified for pregnant women.  It incorporates so much of what I was talking about in my previous posts about getting fit while you're pregnant (maybe not the Kegals, lol) and I kid-you-not, basically squealed when I looked into the website!  The idea is just so cute and simple.

Baby Bump Fitness (how cute is the name?!) is perfect for anyyy pregnant lady out there because it's so easy to follow.  The routines are only 10-15 minutes long and are broken up into trimesters so you don't have to worry about being pushed too hard, too close to your due date.  And they even have routines for after the baby is born and you want your pre-preggers body back!

Anyway, I think it's an adorable idea, and they definitely know what they're talking about when it comes to fitness catering to the fabulously pregnant women out there!  Try it out and let me know what you think!

Go to the Baby Bump Fitness site

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hot Fun in the Summertime!

Be careful out there!  I know it's the weekend and there's sooo much to do outside, but just be careful in this heat!

When exercising outdoors, try to workout early mornings or late evenings when the sun is the least strong and the humidity is less intense.

Also, don't forget to hydrate!  WATER WATER WATER!!!  But also, if your workout is extra-intense, you may want to all drink something with electrolytes such as a sports drink to replenish your lost nutrients that you sweat out.

Otherwise, enjoy the weekend!

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Reality of TV

I'll be honest, I'm a sucker for the Real Housewives of...Anywhere

But I often think about how it affects my self esteem.

I'm a big advocate for helping young girls feel good about themselves.  Let's face it, puberty was a bitchhh!  I wish I had guidance growing up to get through all the hardships young women face.  So, naturally, I'm against anything that may influence them in the wrong direction--one would assume that reality television fits that mold.

The thing is, young girls have impressionable minds, and if they don't yet have the ability to decipher between what's real and what's made-up for entertainment reasons, reality TV can be a deadly influence.

I, on the other hand, have been through the whole puberty thing--and thank the Good Lord, I made it out alive.  So I like to think that I have enough maturity to know that what I see on TV isn't real...especially having worked in the grunt work of television production for a good portion of my career!  I do see reality TV as entertainment value, not something I aspire to, as young women still trying to figure out their path in life might.  In fact, I find that it often inspires me to better in my own life!  I may see women who have gotten famous from sleeping with this athlete or that actor, only to be dropped on their behind and slapped with divorce papers, ultimately left with nothing.  I never want to be like that!  So I work hard to support my own behind.  Or there are many women who feel pressures to look young and hot and have gone a little too far getting "work" done to keep up their appearances for the TV screen, only to come out looking crazyyy and realizing that their 15 minutes of fame is already up!  So what do I do?  Get my behind to the gym and recognize what's important in REAL life.  (For me, it's love, family, and ultimate happiness)

So for me to say that reality TV is ruining lives would be hypocritical, because (so far) it hasn't ruined mine.  I don't sit on the couch wishing I was famous for absolutely nothing but being crazy on TV, and often it motivates me to do better for myself and stay grounded.  But  I also think that, as women who have been through the ringer already, it's important to pass down this maturity and self-assuredness to our younger sisters because I'm sure we all wish we had more guidance growing up.  It's our responsibility to show the real reality of being a woman, not a woman on reality TV.


Aside from stretching, I rank leg extensions high on my importance list every time I'm working on my legs.  With pretty much every lower body exercise, your knees are the center of the impact.  Therefore, you want them to be as limber and warmed-up as possible, but for people who do a lot of heavy lifting (and women wanting to build up their booty) you always want your knees to be as strong as possible.

There is, however, much debate on whether leg extensions do more bad than good for your knees.  Some studies show that this exercise might cause too much strain--which, of course, is the exact opposite of what you're trying to do.

Personally, I had some issues with my knees growing up as an avid dancer and basketball and soccer (indoor and outdoor) player.  These activities put a lot of pressure on my joints, including my knees and I found they would puff up with water after intense workouts, especially running.  I never went to the doctor to get them checked out because they didn't get to the point of keeping me from exercising, but when I started lifting weights, they did start to bother me more often.

When I first started to try to build my lower body, I would do a lot of squats and lunges.  Being inexperienced and lifting heavy weight is NOT a good combination.  I didn't stretch or warm up properly.  My knees took the heat of the weight.  As soon as someone suggested I begin my weights sets with a round of leg extensions, I saw a big change in my workouts.  The muscles around my knees began to get stronger, and therefore support my knees for a steadier, more intense workout.  So adding leg extensions worked for me and I feel that they have helped support my knees during my heavy-weight lower body workouts.

But since there is debate on whether this exercise is good for you, I strongly suggest you do your own research first.  If you do decide to try adding leg extensions to your workout, make sure you do them the right way for the safest, most effective result:

*Adjust the machine according to your body's size, height and range of motion to avoid doing the exercise wrong and to prevent injury!

-  When sitting on a leg extensions machine, your knee joint should align with the pivot point on the machine.

-  Your back should be flush against the back of the chair (as with any exercise, engage your abdomen muscles to support your back)

-  Angle your feet slightly outwards.  This is the natural position of the body--pointing your feet and toes straight actually twists the knees the wrong way, so be sure to rest at a comfortable, natural position.

-  Do not let your ankles come as far as to be underneath your knees, bring them down to just slightly angled in front of your knees.  Bringing your ankles down under your knees (the farthest the machine will go) takes the tension off your quads and puts all of the strain on your knees--this is the opposite of what you want from a leg extension exercise!  You may use less weight this way because the quads tire faster, but you won't need as much!

As with any exercise, don't be afraid to ask someone to show you the proper way...pick out the person with the best leg muscles!  And always, always: LISTEN TO YOUR BODY

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Stretching is one of the most important parts of your workout!  I know, we can hardly get enough time to go to the gym, let alone taking extra time for stretching.  But stretching before, during AND after you workout can add major benefits to your routine that I'm pretty sure you won't want to skip:

Stretching before exercise, plus some light cardio (just something to get your heart rate up) will get your circulation going and the blood flowing to your muscles.  This will allow you to have full flexibility and movement which will prevent injury during your exercise.  The blood flow will also help get you in "game mode" and spike a little extra energy.

I had a huge breakthrough with my results from my regular heavy lifting routine when I began stretching in between sets.  Again, this allow blood flow to the muscles to instantly pump them up for quick recovery time.  I was able to add more weight and reps by stretching during my workout.

Stretching after your workout is important if you want to be able to walk the next day!  It will keep you muscles limber and begin the recovery process.  Also, continuing the blood flow will allow the nutrients from your after-workout protein shake to go straight to your fatigued muscles.

I'm telling you, it's AMAZING the difference you will feel when you add stretching to your regular routine!  I was able to workout harder, increase my strength and stamina, and recover much faster!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Looking Good for Your Man

As if women didn't put enough pressure on themselves to look good, when in a relationship, the pressure may come from our significant other too!

Whether you're in a relationship, or looking for one, you may be stressing more than normal that you have to look your best.  Is this extra pressure a good or bad thing?

I say it's both, because there are obviously extremes with anything.  But I do see it both ways.  My boyfriend happens to be a huge, muscular and fit specimen of a man--so much so that he gets stopped constantly by strangers, women and men alike, commenting on his physical fitness.  Was that intimidating at first?  Of course!  I've always been a fit and healthy person, but I did feel a little pressure to kick it up a notch when we first began dating.  In my experience, I wouldn't have it any other way.  He has helped me in so many ways when it comes to perfecting my workouts and getting the most nutrition out of my meal plan.  What's more is that we have so much fun working out together!  I feel more competitive around him and his motivation has helped me workout harder than I ever thought possible, without even knowing it because I was having so much fun!

But I haven't always had such luck.  I've dated athletes in the past who are so into their fitness (whether it was because they were selfish or their life goals depended on it) that they would literally spend hoursss in the gym and forget about our dates.  Or we couldn't go out to eat anywhere unless they had boiled chicken and plain brown rice.

Then there are those guys who are into fitness for the wrong reason.  They see the bodybuilders at the gym and want to be them because they intimidate people and get all the girls.  Yeah, that doesn't really work for a relationship.

And still yet, there are many people out there who are not so into the health and fitness "thang" and taking on their lifestyle could be more detrimental to your health in the long run.

The point is that whoever you choose to spend your time with, significant other or best friend, make sure that either you're on the same page and will motivate each other or that you recognize your differences but will receive the support you need as someone who is into the health and fitness "thang."  When looking for that special someone to spend the rest of your life with, no one should be able to come in between you and your health goals because the most important person is YOU!

Working Out with a Furry Friend

You've learned from my last post that it can be extremely beneficial to workout with a partner, but what if your coworkers are too busy, your boyfriend likes to spend hours pumping weights with his buddies, and your mom already has her group of workout friends in aqua aerobics for "women of a certain age?"

Forget about them!  You can just as easily turn to man's best friend to keep you motivated and in shape!

These days, dogs have it pretty easy.  Most are not used for work like herding cattle anymore and they don't have to hunt down their own food.  So there's a good chance that Bowzer could benefit from a little physical activity as well.

Aside from feeling like you just couldn't bare to look into that furry face and tell your puppy that you don't feel like playing today, working out with your pet can have many advantages for the both of you:

-  Cardio!  You may find that your dog has a lot more endurance that you do, running around after him will boost your cardiovascular stamina
-  Both exercise and spending time around a furry friend who loves you unconditionally can help lower blood pressure
-  Your dog needs the exercise too!  It will keep his heart, lungs, circulatory and digestive systems healthy
-  The exercise your dog gets will help keep him calmer and more content throughout the rest of the day, especially if he has to be home by himself while you work.

Article Citation:
HealthyPetU."The Benefits of Exercising with Your Dog."HealthyPetU. 25 June 2012. 2011

The More the Merrier! Working Out with a Partner

You started off great:  You've made up your mind to commit yourself to a healthier lifestyle of eating right and going to the gym regularly.  You made a plan, and stuck to the routine.  It's all good at first, but after only a few weeks you find yourself not as motivated, you begin putting other things at higher importance and you much rather go out for a drink with friends after work than to the gym.

Why not bring them along?

Humans are social creatures, we love being around others and our peers often drive our likes, dislikes, goals and motivations.  So why would working out be any different?  If you're going to the gym after work and choosing grilled chicken on your salad instead of going to the bar and ordering buffalo wings, chances are you will be more prone to losing that strict dedication to your own health, and 'do as the natives do.'  It's just human nature.

But many studies prove that working out with a partner--your boyfriend, your best friend, you mom, your kid, or even a personal trainer at your gym--will help you stay on track.  Having a common goal between the two (or more!) of you will keep your excitement, interest, and you'll have less chance of trying to skip out on a regular workout when you know you get to catch up with a girlfriend that you wouldn't otherwise get to see because of busy schedules.

"Working out in a group provides support, accountability and structure," says Lynne Vaughan, Chief Innovation Officer of the YMCA.  That article goes on to site studies in scientific journals that supports that working out with one or more person is the way to go.  Here are other benefits:

-  Competition between your and your partner can lead to a harder workout
-  It could be more fun!  The more fun you have with a group, the less it will feel like work
-  You won't want to let your friends down (in this case, a little guilt could go a long way!)

If you don't have a specific partner in mind, try joining the classes at your gym or local YMCA, or even online groups dedicated to health and fitness.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Getting Healthy for Pregnancy: Stretching

Hopefully you read the previous article about the differences in getting pregnant in your 20s, 30 and 40s.  If your choice is to have kids, no matter what age, your best bet is to be as healthy as possible!  Here are some exercises to make your body a baby making machine!

Stretching is an important part of any workout regimen.  Even for bodybuilders, stretching before, after and during their heavy lifting sessions can improve the rate at which blood and nutrients rush to the muscles, therefore helping them grow bigger and recover faster.

During pregnancy, stretching also provides great relief and is very important.

-  You'll keep yourself flexible and prevent muscle strain.
-  Stretching, and yoga in particular has been show to relax the body and mind, which will be helpful once you have extra weight and tension to carry around.
-  Use stretching time as pampering for yourself, time-out from the outside world, and alone time with you and your baby.

Getting Healthy for Pregnancy: Cardio

***Update:  So I see that many of you are interested in information pertaining to pregnancy and cardio/getting fit.  It's good to know that there are many exercises that you can do before you're pregnant, after you give birth and even during your pregnancy!  You don't have to make many changes just because you have a little extra belly in the way.

Anyway, in order to further help the women interested in the information about getting fit post-pregnancy, I did a lot of research and found this info from Holly Rigsby.  She created a fabulous program for moms and it includes sooo many of the topics in my blog posts so I thought it may be perfect for you!  She's not afraid to throw some weight lifting in the workout (which you know I love!), but she still understands the importance of easing back into working out for new moms, because she used the same exercises herself!  I thought this was a fabulous (and cute) way to get into shape for women who have just had children, so I thought I would share it with you!

Holly Rigsby's "Fit Yummy Mummy" Program

Original post:

Hopefully you read the previous article about the differences in getting pregnant in your 20s, 30 and 40s.  If your choice is to have kids, no matter what age, your best bet is to be as healthy as possible!  Here are some exercises to make your body a baby making machine!

If you already have a cardio routine, you are ahead of the pregnancy game!  You know the benefits:

Cardiovascular endurance
Strong heart conditioning
Increased metabolism
The happy feeling you get from the flow of stress-relieving hormones
Short recovery-time from physical activity
Decrease in chance of diseases like diabetes.

Good news: This works before, after and during pregnancy too!

Walking, swimming and dancing are great ways to keep your cardiovascular health even during pregnancy.  Walking can be done through all nine months and, in nice-weather months, can get you out of the house to enjoy some fresh air!  Swimming is an incredible exercise if your preggers or not!  It's safe, works the entire body, has no impact on your joints and, while in the water, relieves you of the pressure of the extra baby weight.  Dancing is pure fun and you can do it right in your own home!  You'll pump up your heart rate and there are many studies that show that the baby responds positively to music outside of the womb.

Getting Healthy for Pregnancy: Kegals!

Hopefully you read the previous article about the differences in getting pregnant in your 20s, 30 and 40s.  If your choice is to have kids, no matter what age, your best bet is to be as healthy as possible!  Here are some exercises to make your body a baby making machine!

Kegals! (I don't know why this is so fun to talk about, but it just is!)
- The best part of these exercises is that you can do them absolutely ANYWHERE and ANYTIME and nobody has to know!
- The exercise strengthens your pelvic muscles which hold you uterus, bladder and bowel.
-  Childbirth can have a huge effect on the strength of your pelvic muscles, but it is a good idea to get them strong even BEFORE pregnancy!  Here are what strong pelvic muscles can do for you:
   1.  Increase pleasure for both you and your partner during sex
   2.  Prevent urine leakage, especially during pregnancy when the weight of the baby can put extra pressure on your bladder
   3.   Just like how working out consistently before pregnancy can help your endurance during pregnancy and make it easier to get back to shape after the birth, Kegals can do the same thing for your pelvic muscles!

Kegal routine:
Sitting or lying down, contract only your pelvic muscles (not your abs, thighs, or glutes) for 5 seconds, then relax for 5.
Work up to 10 seconds each and try to do 10 sets about 3 times a day!

Is my biological clock ticking...ALREADY???

The strangest thing happens when I've gone to the gynecologist lately.  At first it's the usual--has anything changed? do I have any concerns? am I still with the same partner? as the questions undoubtedly get more uncomfortable as time goes on.  But right before I think I'm ready to put my pants back on and get out of there, she starts looking over her chart one last time and wonders aloud, "Babies...?"

Babies what? I'm thinking.

"You haven't had any yet...are you planning on ever having them?"  She starts drilling me.

Um, yeah?  She's a gyno, I can't insult what the woman does for a living!  And the truth is, of course I've thought about it.  Every woman THINKS about it at one point or another.  But I'm in my 20s...I'm still worrying about what I'm gonna be when I grow up!

She then launches into the biological clock campaign:  Did I know that I'm at prime physically age for fertility and pregnancy?  Did I know that I only have a window of a few years with this golden uterus before it starts rusting?  Or am I gonna be one of those workaholic women who puts their career first, only to figure out at 45 that that's not what life is all about and suddenly want kids but it's probably too late???

So I leave the doctor's office with a pressing feeling that if I don't try to get pregnant RIGHT NOW, I'll be heartless, selfish, "career woman" who ends up all alone with cats instead of kids...

But before I do anything absolutely reckless, I do some research.  Here's what I found:

The first thing is that every woman, and therefore her body, is different.

I found a great article that breaks down pregnancy differences in your 20s, 30s, and 40s.

Your 20s
-  Prime fertility years, but you still only have 20% chance each month of getting pregnant.
-  You have little risk of hypertension and half the risk of gestational diabetes as 40 year old pregnant women, and the baby is unlikely to be born with a defect.
-  Emotionally, most 20 year olds are selfish, worrying more about their significant other, their body image and figuring out what they're going to do with their lives, which doesn't exactly make it easy to focus on a baby.
-  Financially, you may be struggling more than older women.
-  You'll be able to get your body back in shape quicker than the other age groups!  (That's a huge plus in my books!)

Your 30s
-  Your fertility rate already starts to decline at 30! (although gradually, over the next 5 years)
-  While invitro is about 3 times as succesful as in your 40s, it's still only 25-28%.
-  C-sections are twice as common than in your 20s.
-  Chances of high blood pressure and gestational diabetes skyrocket, especially over 35
-  Emotionally, you'll be more stable in life and career, and ready to fit in a baby, but you might be torn of exactly how to divide your time between all your responsibilities.
-  Risk of having a baby with birth defects are beginning to increase
-  Chances of having twins and triplets increases (maybe to make up for not having one sooner!)

Your 40s
-  Studies show that women who have children (without fertility drugs) over 40 tend to live longer than those who don't
-  There is only a 5% chance each month of getting pregnant
-  Fatigue is a big complaint
-  Hemmoroids, pressure on bladder and sagging breasts are more common at this age, but can be helped by keeping up your exercise and doing Kegals!
-  Emotionally, you're the most mature age group and will probably have much more patience
-  Miscarriages and birth defects are at a high

After reading this, I only regained the pressure I felt from my gyno.  She was pretty much right.  It is MUCH easier, healthier and safer to have children in your 20s.

But women today are so empowered, strong, and capable of handling their own lives the way they want it.  Something has to be said of the women who want it all and can have it all!  No matter when you choose to have a child, there is help--whether you need assistance financially, emotionally, or physically.  And if you choose not to have any kids at all, that's ok too!  There's absolutely no wrong (or right) way of going about YOUR life, and only YOU can make those decisions.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Good Morning Sunshine!

What side of the bed did you wake up on this morning?  Not the happy, energized one?  Better check your diet.

It seems too simple, really, but the way you eat can have a huge impact on your mood.

Carbs, sugar, fat--taste sooo good and they make us happy when eating them.  I'm sure that's why Mickey D's patented the kid favorite "Happy Meal."  But what happens after?

The crash!

Most of our favorite indulgences have way too much of the bad stuff and not enough nutrition to keep us going for very long.  When it comes to sustaining energy, junk food just doesn't do it.  Not to mention that studies have shown that people who eat high fat diets (like stopping at a fast food joint every night after work) have higher chance of being depressed.  The scientists are believe that there is a strong correlation between high fat diets and depression.

Instead, choose a balanced diet for energy and happiness!  Green veggies like spinach, plus lean meats, seafood and bananas have magnesium which can help you stay focused and fight gloominess.  The spinach and other green vegetables like peas and broccoli also have iron which combat anemia which can cause fatigue, especially in women!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Benefits of Drinking Water

There are sooo many benefits to drinking plenty of water!

1. It regulates the fluids flowing through your body.  A full 60% of our bodies are water!  Think of how many bodily fluids you're emiting in different ways throughout the day.  Then add the ones inside your cells and organs that you can't see.  That's a lot of fluids!

2.  Helps you count your calories.  First, water has no calories so choosing a glass of water over soda, juice, or anything else really, saves you empty (non-nutritional) calories.  Also, by drinking a lot of water, especially before and during a meal may help you feel fuller and not able to eat as much at the dinner table.

3.  When you're working out hard, water is key in re-energizing your muscles.

4.  It refreshes you from the inside-out!  Not only will your insides be running "fluidly" but your skin will have a healthy glow!

5.  We put a lot of junk in our bodies--sugar, alcohol, preservatives--and it's the kidneys' job to filter it out from the good stuff.  But without water, the kidney can't do it's job!

6.  Again with all that junk--it's gotta go somewhere.  Water helps you stay regular too!

While all those reasons are good enough to make you pick up another glass of water, there's another benefit that will make you drink water by the jug!  It may help speed your metabolism!  Studies have found that drinking the equivalent of drinking 2 glasses of water at a time may raise your calorie and carbohydrate burning ability by up to 30%.  Of course, no study is perfect and there is a lot of debate about it...I still think it's worth a try!

Personally, I just carry a large water bottle around with me everywhere I go, drinking constantly, and re-fill it as soon as it gets low.

When and How to Get a Small Waist

You've heard it from rappers, from Shakespeare's lyrical character's, maybe even from your boyfriend: Men like small waists!

There are many theories of why this is (stereotypically and generally) true.  One is that the small waist gives the allure of a curvy figure, whether the rest of you actually fits the category of "curvy" or not.  Another is that it symbolizes good health--namely, reproductive health.  A small waist may give the impression of wider hips, perfect for popping out some offspring.  No, men haven't changed since caveman times.

Even the elite and educated men are in on it.  A Harvard study showed that it may not specifically be the circumference of a woman's waist, but the waist-to-hip ratio of the woman's body.  Basically, it's how many less inches around your waist is than your hips, or vice versa.

But this is nothing new.

In history class, we learn about how back in Victorian times, the bigger the woman was (still with a small waist, cinched in with a corset), the richer her husband must have been.  This is still true in some cultures today.  And I'm sure you've noticed how the Western world has suddenly taken "acceptance" of "curvaceous" women.  Yes, I know, in reality these women are still a fraction of the size of most "real women" in the world, but it's a start!

Halle Berry

Sofia Vergara

The point is, men like it, women like it, so here's how to get it:

1.  FIRST do 15-20 minutes cardio to get your heart rate up
2.  Then, Workout your abs!  Crunches, hanging leg raises, bicycles, etc. Work them to exhaustion and don't forget your obliques!

*While your heart rate is up, your body will then send a message through your blood to give you some extra help/fat burning in whatever area you are working on.  I know it seems too easy!  But it's not a magic pill, you still gotta work at it.  But the extra cardio right before your normal ab routine will definitely help you see results.


Ever notice how when you tell yourself not to eat something, suddenly it's all you can think about?

My doctor recently suggested that a slight intolerance to dairy may be aggravating my allergies.  I'm not really a big fan of dairy: I prefer soy milk over of cow's milk, I've only come across maybe 2 types of cheese that I like, and I went through a (very short) phase when I was trying to force myself to tolerate yogurt for its live cultures and healthy enzymes--I couldn't do it!  Anyway, the doc suggested I try cutting dairy out completely for a while just to see how my body would react and if my allergies would go away.  But as soon as I left the doctor's office, I was obsessed!  How would I ever be able to eat anythinggg without cheese on it?  Where could I find the biggest container of ice cream and dive right in?  And forget about losing the whey (a derivative of milk) protein shakes that I make at least twice a day--I basically need them for survival!  Suddenly, the sinus infections and headaches I was getting in response to my allergies (that were allegedly caused by a intolerance to dairy products) didn't seem as bad as having to give it all up!  It sounds crazy, but what was happening was that my mind immediately went into "survival mode."

In my mind, Do not eat = I'm gonna die without it!

I'm sure I'm not alone in this crazy mental game.

In reality, of course I won't die if I don't eat dairy.  In fact, I will probably be healthier in the long run. (As many as 50-90% of Mexican-, African- and Asian-Americans are lactose intolerant.  Humans are the only one who drink other mammal's milk, or milk at all after infancy)  But by telling myself I absolutely could never touch another ounce of the stuff EVER AGAIN in my life, seemed close enough to a death sentence.  This goes for anything you tell yourself you shouldn't or can't eat.  Our brain will easily trick our body into thinking we're starving it, and therefore panic occurs.

The solution?  You've heard it before: Eat in moderation.  Whether it's fast food, fat, sugar, carbs, chocolate, dairy, or Grandma's famous mac and cheese, there's no reason to punish yourself!

Allow small servings of your guilty pleasure every once in a while and you won't feel deprived.  More and more research is showing that people who eat in moderation, don't obsess about every single morsel they put in their mouth, those who have a well-rounded diet, and those allow a little guilty pleasure here and there are the most successful at maintaining their overall health and fitness goals.

Friday, June 22, 2012


Today my focus is on the almighty squat!  It's my favorite exercise everrr and it should be yours too!  There's nothing like feeling the burn in your glutes and hamstrings after a few sets of heavy-weight squats but the bigger, perkier butt and firm, shapely legs you get from doing them is even better!

If you're going to the gym, use the smith machine.  It's a whole jungle-gym looking contraption, but I promise it will make things easier for you and prevent possible injury to your back and knees (especially if you're just starting out).

Make sure the bar is already set about shoulder height before your start putting weights on, or you're gonna look pretty dumb trying to lift it up afterwards just using your upper body!

Start with a small amount of weight, and "feel it out."  Can you do 15 of those in a row?  More?  Less? If you feel that you can manage about 15 and it's not too easy but you're also not killing yourself, then you've got a good amount of weight.  But it could take some time to really feel it out.

I like putting a towel around my neck, then using a plastic shoulder brace that clips onto the bar, in order to cushion the bar on my shoulders and prevent the bar from pinching my skin which will end up looking like hickeys!

If you haven't done this before, your best bet if is asking for help.  Don't be shy!  All those muscle-head bodybuilder guys standing around would love to be able to show off for you!  Plus, it's sooo important that you do this correctly to prevent injury!

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, I point my toes outward just a tiny bit to really focus on the major leg and butt muscles, and stand your feet far enough out in front of you so that you're almost leaning on the bar for support to keep from falling backwards.

When you bend your knees, your legs should come to a 90 degree angle, you knees should not move forward past your toes!  Stick your butt out and squeeze your butt and the back of your legs through the whole movement.

Do squats only 2 or 3 times a week, allowing enough time for your muscles to recover in between, and say hello to a brand new booty!

The Sun

Ah, the sun.  You are so great in so many ways, and yet so terrible in sooo many others!

Besides illuminating the sky so we can see stuff, the sun does a lot of good things.

One of them is Vitamin D.  Live far away from the equator?  Have a desk job?  Dark skinned?  Rather sit on a couch instead of a park bench?  I'll bet you have a Vitamin D deficiency--you, and 1 billion others around the world!  It's suggested that you get checked for the deficiency, and take a supplement--especially in the winter months when lack of the "sunshine vitamin" can leave you sluggish and possibly feeling depressed!  Vitamin D deficiencies can possibly lead to some forms of cancers, heart disease, osteoporosis, and MS.

*HOWEVER!!!  There is a "but" in this post, and it's a big one!  You have to know by now that too much sun exposure is NOT GOOD FOR YOU!  I knowww the warm sun rays feel sooo good, and who doesn't look better with a little glowing tan?  BUT, just be safe about it and protect yourself!  I have naturally olive-tan skin and I'm still terrified of the effects of too much sun!  The thing that scares me most of all is thinking about what I'll look like when I'm older: leathery, overly-wrinkled skin, looking like a leopard because of dark, ugly, sun spots, cataracts, not to mention skin cancer which is so much more common've seen the old people who have spent wayyy too much time in the sun over the years!  The bad news for them is that they probably didn't fully know about the harmful effects of too much UV exposure and continue lathering up in baby oil til this day as a kind of "well, it's too late now" surrender to the almighty Sun God!  But the good news for you is that you have them to look at and, if you're like me, you're scared!

Anyway, because we love a good celebrity endorsement, I've been intrigued with the new L'Oreal Paris sun products featuring Jennifer Lopez.  What's more inspiring to save your skin than a beautiful Latin diva in a bikini?  If anyone gets a chance to try any of these products, let me know what you think about them!


P.S. Of course I'll keep you updated on my progress trying to treat my sinusitis--the natural way.  I've also done a lot of research on Sinusitis vs. Migraine Headaches and so I will post much of the information I've found.

Get Checked! -- Bioimpedence Analysis

The other day I went, for the first time, to a naturopathic doctor.  I'm not into drugging myself for every little ache, pain or complaint.  So when I began having sinus trouble, instead of calling my regular doctor or searching for an eyes, ears and throat doc who are stereotypically heavy on the prescriptions, I made an appointment with a woman who specializes in the healing power of nature.

No, she is not a witch doctor.

Naturopathic doctors use holistic methods, meaning they try to find out the CAUSE of your ailments by understanding your body and any changes or irregularities you might be experiencing.  I heard once somewhere that regardless of how many ailments you have and where they are on the body, when your body heals itself, it heals its entire self!  Doesn't that make more sense than taking one pill for a headache, a different pills for high blood pressure, a different pill for a cold...etc?

Anyway, I went in for sinusitis but I came out with so much more!  Not more problems, but more answers!  She did a full evaluation, asking me all these questions about my body, my lifestyle and my environment--you'd be surprised how much your own body can tell you about yourself!  Then she did what was called a Bioimpedence Analysis, which sounds a lot more hi-tech and scientific than it really is.  She placed stickers on my hand/wrist and ankle/foot, attached some type of miniature jumper cables to it and this machine (that looked like an old school calculator when they used to be the size of computers) read my body measurements.  This test will tell you everything from your lean body mass compared to fat mass, your all-important BMI and even how much water is inside your cells compared to the outside!

I highly suggest that you get this analysis done.

1.  You can use the mass distribution to monitor how much of your weight is muscle compared to fat as you continue reaching your workout goals.

2.  The basal metabolic rate tells you how many calories you need just to get through the day, maintaining exactly the weight you're at now.  You can then adjust it accordingly depending on your goals.

3.  You can make sure you're drinking enough water and not putting too many toxins in your body!  The goal is that since our bodies are about 60% water, you want close to 40% intracellular water and 20% extracellular water. (The 60-40-20 Rule)  At this ratio, you'll know that you're drinking enough water and that it is hydrating inside the cells instead of having to be outside your cells to help flush out toxins from your body.

Anyway, I was amazed at my results and I look forward to monitoring them over time with this test!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summertime Inspiration

Good morning Girls, and HAPPY SUMMER!!!

Today is the first official day of summer and instead of stressing about how we'll look in that hot new bikini, I say we embrace ourselves and rock it!

You will learn that I'm very into inspiration and the search for higher knowledge.  One thing I have come across in my studies that is very clear is this: WE ONLY HAVE ONE LIFE TO LIVE!  Sure, you may come back reincarnated as a elegant, sleek giraffe or something, but this body you have now is a temple to be worshipped...and shown off!  If you don't do it now, when can you???

I debated adding the pictures below because I realize not everyone is inspired in the same way.  Some of us girls feel so uncomfortable in our own skin that we can't stand the sight of another woman in a bikini! (especially if she's Beyonce!)  But listen, girls, it's time to be proud of what we got!  Let's put celebrities into perspective.

1.  They weren't born in a special laboratory where they produce only the most perfect, best looking, genetically-engineered babies who are raised specifically for the benefit of Hollywood.

2.  They are all different shapes and sizes like us!

3.  They have an entire team of people, waiting on them hand and foot all day long to make sure they look their very best at all times.  This includes hair, makeup, wardrobe, personal trainer, personal chef, and a PR person even telling them which is their better side to be seen on when taking "candid" photos while on vacation with the fam.  It's not real life, people!  Just think of how fabulous we would all look if we had an entire glam-village watching over us.

4.  They WORK HARD for their bodies and are PROUD of it!  Believe it or not, it's a lot of stress being rich and famous--there's a lot of pressure to be perfect.  So when celebs, like the ladies below, get up at 5 am to workout every morning because they have a full schedule of "being famous" ahead of them, you better believe they're gonna show it off!

Bottom line is this, DON'T HATE...APPRECIATE!  We can learn a thing or too from these women.  So instead of looking at the pictures, judging them, and then delving into a slippery slope of self-hate because we'll "never look like Beyonce," let's try a different, optimistic and self-loving approach.  For example, do I look like any of these women? No!  Because I'm not them, I'm me!  Do I have parts of my body I think need work from time to time?  Of course!  Even the women in the pictures below have low moments.  But am I overall completely dedicated and in love with ME (including my body)?  Absolutely!

Trust me girls, I haven't always been so (non-) narcissistically obsessed with myself.  I understand the pressures of being a woman--from the media to other girls' cattiness (read: jealousy and HATERISM!). But I'm done being a victim.  I've got one life to live and I choose to live it the healthiest, happiest way I possibly can!

That being said, I stand by my decision to post the photos of the fabulous women below.  Why?  Because they're hot!  Not to mention that none of the women below have naturally skinny bodies.  They have curves and know how to work them!  And like I said, we could learn a thing or too from them.  So instead of feeling bad about myself because I will never look like Beyonce, I choose to be INSPIRED by her because the girl has worked hard for that body and she makes me believe that I, too, can look my absolute most fabulous if I kick up my workout a little more and get ready for the summertime!

Happy Summer, Girls...Don't Hate, Be Inspired!

J. Lo
Mariah Carey

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lift Like A Man, Look Like A Woman...Coco Does!

Now that Ice T and his wife Nicole Austin have their own reality TV show, Coco has become a household name.  Whether you like her or not, you gotta admit, the girl has some curves!  But while admitting that she's naturally a little bottom heavy, Coco says she got the bangin' body she has now, once she started hitting the gym hard.

Still scared of lifting heavy weights for fear that you'll beef up like Arnold?  Many women fall victim to this misconception that bodybuilding is only for men--or women who look like men.

But what most women don't know is that it takes A LOT more than lifting some heavy weights to get to the size of competitive female bodybuilders like two very successful, award-winning women below.
Irene Andersen and Yolanda Hughes
In reality, women generally don't have "what it takes" to gain massive muscle like that.

We all know there are vast differences from men and women:

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.
Men don't have emotions, Women have too many emotions.
(These are just generalizations, of course!)

But the main difference, at least when it comes to muscle-building ability, is our hormones.  Both sexes produce the almighty hormone, testosterone.  However, men produce much higher levels than women--about 20 times more.  The estrogen in women also has a hand in growing muscles, but it also decreases the amount of testosterone that could go to your muscles.  The women you see in bodybuilding competitions usually have some extra "help" from supplements and they most certainly train much harder and more frequently than you will ever need to in order to tone those curves.

Besides being able to challenge your boyfriend to an arm wrestle, lifting weights has many benefits for women (

1.  You'll burn fat throughout the day.  While you may see a change on the scale from excess amounts of cardio, it may not be all fat--you could be losing muscle too.  Lifting weights increasing muscle and muscle burns fat all day long--more muscle, less fat!

2.   Lifting heavily will give you a more defined look.

3.  Studies show that women, especially post-menopausal, who lift heavy maintain bone mass and therefore fight osteoporosis.

4.  You'll continue to burn more calories (just like the fat) throughout the day.

5.  You'll build up your strength faster than with light weights.  If only I had known this in elementary school...maybe I would've made it to the top of the rope in gym class!

6.  Strengthening your muscles around your joints will help prevent injury.

7.  Girl Power!  You remember the Spice Girls' motto.  Well, heavy lifting can increase your strength and help you look better, giving you a self-esteem boost that makes you feel pretty-damn-good about yourself.

8.  YOU'LL LOSE BELLY FAT!!!  This may be the most exciting factor of lifting heavy weights.  What's better than toned arms, sleek sculpted legs and a round, lifted derriere?  All that with a small waist!  Heavy lifting takes care of it all.

Don't take it from me, take it from Coco.

“…I seriously go in the gym and I’m a bodybuilder.  Sometimes I press 400 pounds," she said, in her interview on the Wendy Williams Show on March 14, 2012.

You don’t have to be able to lift the weight of an infant elephant in order to build curves in your thighs, hips and butt, but the key is to keep steadily increasing the weight, never getting too comfortable for too long.  Although if you continue to do this for a few years, adding more and more weight, there’s no reason why eventually you couldn’t challenge Coco to a leg press competition!

Bottom line is this:  Women can, and should, lift heavy weights to get sexy, defined feminine curves.